Our Mission, Vision, Values, Inclusion and Liberation Statements

HOME / About Us


That's why all our decisions are driven by our guiding values.

Owner Toni is training client Jason on a bent over back row.


Fitness for Every Body.

Health For Everyone.


To provide high-quality fitness and health services that promote self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-celebration in all aspects of physical, psychological and social well-being.


With act with honesty, transparency and trust

We are accessible and welcoming

We consider how we affect others

We are curious and open minded

We are positive and success focused

We are brave and transformational

We are purposeful and evidence based

We are fearlessly and boldly creative


  • We believe that diversity is the very essence of humanity, and that we should all be celebrated for the things that make us unique individuals. We believe that our differences make us stronger, and that we all have the right to belong to a loving, accepting and nurturing community.

  • We understand that access to health care, to fitness services, and to exercise support is deeply tied to privilege and that we have a responsibility to do everything within our power to remove as many barriers of access as possible for our marginalized populations.

  • We offer a safe, welcoming, accepting and non-judgemental space for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. We do not discriminate based on race, age, gender, sexual orientation, mental and/or physical health and/or abilities, economic status, class, background or culture.

  • We recognize that our work takes place within an industry whose framework is deeply entrenched in oppressive power inequities. The commodification of health & wellness favours practices that are inherently classist, racist, ableist, sexist, ageist and sizeist. We understand that by being a part of this problematic system, we inevitably may contribute to these inequities, and are firmly committed to doing everything in our power to learn, grow, unlearn and dismantle the oppressive systems that we operate within.

  • We acknowledge that we are situated on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place and travelling route for the Cree, Blackfoot, Metis, Dene, Nakoda-Sioux and Saulteaux First Nations, and that as an online corporation that services areas across Canada, we are complicit in the wrongs perpetrated on Indigenous people not only in our province, but across the country. We are committed to being a part of the solution that brings reconciliation, safety, respect and equity to Indigeneous people, here and everywhere.

We Are A Safe Space

For us, creating a safe space means curate a "culture of care" where:

  • Every person is welcomed and feels honoured, respected and seen for who they are.

  • People are free to move through our space free from discrimination, judgement and harassment.

  • People know their rights, know how to access support when they feel like their rights are not being respected, and receive fair and supportive action to address concerns as they arise.

  • People feel heard, understood and valued.

  • People are encouraged to give thoughtful and critical feedback on how we can improve and be more actively engaged in supporting our community.

  • Accessibility, on all fronts, is considered and all measures possible are undertaken to create an atmosphere of inclusion.

  • Our team, our clients and the community at large feel safe and welcome to contribute to dialogue that helps to forward social equity and social understanding.